Monthly Archives: September 2014

Additional grist

In my recent Wake the Dragon series, I made an informal list of RPGs that crept in to fill the D&D void in the last couple of years. Here are two more that have popped up since.

Codename: Potato
I have no idea what Rob Schwalb is up to, but I want to. Here’s a link to a timer counting down to some reveal in a month. Knowing Rob, it will involve something you could classify as “metal.”

Codename: Potato

Five Moons
Sean Reynolds is a longtime friend of mine, harkening back to TSR days. So, naked is my bias. This looks like a fantasy heartbreaker to me–one person deciding that s/he can do D&D better than D&D can.

Here’s the twist: Sean is on the extremely short list of people I would consider qualified to succeed, in the work, if not in the market. (Nobody knows what will succeed in the market.)

Five Moons Kickstarter link

Sean’s Five Moons site

The RPG business has adapted rapidly in the last couple of years to personality-as-brand. Genre, mechanics, setting, subject matter, these are not currently the biggest selling points compared to WHO is making the thing. So I’ll keep watching that evolve.

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